IDXblue collects leads by asking the visitors for their personal contact information at different points in various ways during the search process. The information is stored and made available to the Realtor in the password-protected IDXblue leads area. In appropriate situations, the information captured is also sent to the Realtor via email and/or text message. Following is a list of when IDXblue asks users for their information:
- Schedule a showing
- Request more information
- Email this listing to a friend
- New listing notification emails sent from you. Users are able to save search parameters and have IDXblue send new matching listings on a daily basis with a customized message from you.
- Comments. Users are able to leave comments about a specific listing for themselves or their Realtor. The comments are displayed for the users when they return to view the listing later and for the Realtors in the Realtor’s IDXblue leads area.
- Ratings. Users can rate each listing. The rating is displayed when they view the same property later and is available to the Realtor in the IDXblue leads area.
- Fencing (see below)
“Fencing” is the process of pausing the search process to ask users for their personal details such as name, email and phone number. IDXblue lets you control when the fencing occurs:
- Before searching begins. Users may not perform a search until they’ve provided their contact information.
- Before seeing listing details. Users may perform a search and view the results (a single photo, address, price, size) but are fenced when they click to see the details about a property, including all photos.
- Before saving a specific listing. Users can save a listing and view it later. When they do, they are asked to provide personal contact info.
- Before saving a set of search parameters. Users may perform a search and view property details. When they click so save a set of search parameters, they are fenced.
- After a number of searches that you specify.
- Never. Except where required by practicality, users are not asked for their personal contact info. Obviously, if users want to schedule a showing, request more information on a listing or subscribe to the listings notification emails, they will have to provide the personal info required to grant their request.